Knowledge goes a long way in making sound and safe decisions. We have written numerous articles and created videos on various topics to Keep You Exploring safely and efficiently. Please continue to check back for more articles and videos as we are constantly updating.
Driving Techniques
Preparation and planning go a long way in having a successful offroading trip. Preparing yourself for whatever the trail may bring will keep you safe and lead to an enjoyable weekend. In driving techniques you will find many articles and videos covering the basic situation, all the way to the extreme circumstances of driving offroad.
Recovery Techniques
We cover the numerous ways to safely extract your vehicle from a tough situation. Whether it be deep mud, rocks, stuck on a tree, or even covering basic winching hand signals.
Product Tech & Reviews
Want to know how to wire your new winch? Or how to choose the best air compressor for your needs? We outline and review many different products to help you make the best choices when it comes to buying the gear you need.
Selecting a Winch
A step-by-step guide to selecting the best winch for your trail rig.
Need to get excited about planning your next adventure? Our collection of videos and travel stories can be the boost you need to get going.
Trip Reports
At Habitat Offroad, every backcountry or overland trip that we take ends up being a trip report. We detail where we went, what we did, and other pertinent information so guide the reader through our adventure, and help others who plan to travel the same area.
Every once in a while we have a new product we are featuring, or keep our community up to date on industry related topics.
We don't always do giveaways, but when we do, you better make sure you sign up!
Keep Exploring!